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Current Status

Update on 6/26/2023: The page reflects the status of our work on the property in Valle Arizona. Please see the blog post here for an update on the status of this property.

The work of establishing the Kolbe Mission is divided into four phases. Here are the phases, and the current progress of the project.

Phase 1: Preparation

Phase 1 includes all of the steps that need to be completed before we start building the facility. This includes the following:

  1. Develop the details of our mission, and the mission statement. We have researched and visited other Catholic facilities in the country to gain from their experience. This step is completed.
  2. Find the property for the facility. The Diocese of Phoenix has us with 40 acres in Valle, Arizona. This step is completed.
  3. Set up the non profit status of the project by establishing a 501(c)(3) corporation. This step is completed.
  4. Get a water availability study for the site. This step is completed.
  5. Obtain approval from Coconino County to use the property as a rehabilitation facility. Cost estimate: $20,000. Here’s our progress:

Phase 2: Planning and Development

  1. Project analysis and schematic design development. Cost estimate: $30,000.
  2. Architectural, development, and construction related design fees. Cost estimate: $50,000.
  3. All other engineering and design costs (details will follow): Cost estimate: $200,000 – $300,000.

Phase 3: Construction

In Phase 2 we will complete construction of the Kolbe Mission facility. Cost estimate: $2,000,000.

Phase 4: Operation

  1. Interview and hire a Program Director for the Kolbe Mission.
  2. Begin operation of the men’s house.

Beyond Phase 4

Expand the mission to serve women, and open a women’s house.